Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Great Tips In Taking Good Care Of Your Teeth

Good Dental Care begins and ends with proper dental habits. Not everyone understands what is needed in order to have a clean mouth. If you want to avoid going to dentist each month for another painful problem, then keep reading for informative tips about good dental care. Read on and get yourself educated.

Compare different dentists until you find one you can afford. If you do not have insurance, a dental school may be where you can get affordable dental care. It is important that your teeth get dental attention every six months or so.

It is common knowledge that you should brush your teeth two times every day; however, you should also be aware that there are certain times when you need to brush more. If you consume sugary or acidic foods, you should brush immediately afterwards to help protect your tooth enamel.

If you are having a hard time brushing your teeth efficiently, you should consider getting an electric toothbrush. These devices are very efficient and will allow you to clean your teeth thoroughly without having to brush vigorously. This is your best option if you have arthritis or if your children do not brush their teeth properly.
Using mouthwash is a great way to clear out any loose debris and keep your breath smelling good. Make sure to avoid using a mouthwash with alcohol in it as those brands tend to dry out the mouth, leaving a veritable wonderland for bacteria and leading to terrible problems down the road.

Sugarless gum is a good way to clean your teeth if you cannot carry a toothbrush with you everywhere. Chew a piece of sugarless gum to clean your teeth after eating a small snack. Keep in mind that gum is not good for your teeth if it contains any kind of sugar.

Keep dental floss or toothpicks with you. There are times when you are away from home that you eat and possibly get food stuck between your teeth. If you have a toothpick or food with you, you can get this food out before it starts to cause any problems with your teeth.

To maintain optimum oral health, you need to make sure you go to the Dentist two times a year. This dental checkup will include a cleaning and assessment by the dentist. They will do any minor work and will help your mouth maintain optimum health. They will be able to treat any issues before they become major problems.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Do you know if your dentist uses latex gloves? Are you in danger?

My interest in the dangers of latex allergies

My name is Dr. Endre Selmeczy. I am a local Dentist in Livermore. I became very interested in the latex issue when my office manager and significant other, Annette, came close to death in a restaurant few years ago on Mother's Day. After finishing her dinner, she went into anaphylactic shock due to an allergic reaction to the latex gloves the restaurant used in their kitchen during food preparation. Thanks to the quick emergency response team in Monterey, she is still alive, but her latex allergy changed her life.

The increase in latex allergies

The incidence of serious allergic reactions to latex has increased dramatically in recent years. In rare cases, these allergies can be fatal. It is somewhat difficult to say how widespread the problem of latex allergy may be. It is assumed that many cases go unreported. In one 1994 study, 6 percent of volunteer blood donors were found to have increased levels of anti-latex IgE antibodies. The incidence of latex allergy has been increasing since the introduction of universal precautions in health care settings, including the widespread use of latex gloves to prevent the spread of AIDS and hepatitis B.

Latex allergy can cause serious physical symptoms

Latex allergy or hypersensitivity occurs when the body's immune system reacts to proteins found in natural rubber latex. The immune system launches a defense that can cause a host of unpleasant or, in some cases, life-threatening symptoms

Type I latex allergies are the most serious and can cause nausea, low blood pressure, respiratory arrest, and even death. Symptoms begin within minutes after contact with the protein allergens in latex.

Type IV, the most common latex allergy, is less serious. The symptoms include dry skin, hives, tingling sensations, or itching. Symptoms usually appear 48-72 hours after the initial exposure. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), at least sixteen people have died as a result of latex allergy.

Allergy to latex proteins is a new medical problem with symptoms similar to those seen in individuals who are allergic to bee venom. Reactions on exposure to the allergen are generally acute and may mimic hay fever or asthma, with symptoms such as nasal congestion, hives or difficulty breathing. The most severe cases can result in anaphylaxis, a potentially fatal reaction that affects many parts of the body at once. Symptoms are usually immediate, progress rapidly, and may include a dangerous drop in blood pressure, flushed skin, difficulty breathing, swelling of the throat, tongue and nose, and loss of consciousness. That is what happened to Annette in Monterey.

Signs and risk factors of latex allergy

Natural rubber latex is a processed plant product derived almost exclusively from the Hevea braziliensis tree found in Africa and Southeast Asia. Some indicators of an increased risk of latex allergy include a history of allergic problems or food allergies to tropical fruits, hazelnuts, chestnuts, or stone fruits.

If you ever experienced some discomfort after eating in a certain restaurant, with reactions such as " I just don't feel good; I must have eaten too much," or "maybe there was something wrong with the food," you should call the restaurant to find out if they used latex gloves in the kitchen. The same applies to your dental office. If you ever experienced any symptoms you thought were signs of an allergic reaction, perhaps it was due to the use of latex in your dental office.
Awareness and prevention

Individuals who have an increased exposure to the effects of latex allergy include those with a history of early and/or recurrent surgical or medical procedures, health care personnel and others who wear latex gloves, and individuals with occupational exposure to latex.

You should also be very careful eating out at restaurants. When you make your reservation, ask the restaurant if they use latex gloves in their kitchen. In Annette's case, just having her food touched with latex gloves during preparation was enough to send her into an anaphylactic shock. The same reaction could happen in a dental office. During the visit at a dental office, latex gloves come into contact with mucous membranes, which enhances the absorption of latex proteins that can trigger an allergic reaction. Using latex gloves just for a regular exam could be potentially very dangerous, especially if the patient's latex allergy is not known. There are several other materials used in dental offices containing latex, such as prophylactic cups used during teeth cleaning, tubing, nose pieces, rubber dams, and bite blocks. If you know you are allergic to latex, or you are at risk for latex allergy, you should consider finding a latex-free Dental Office.

The future of latex use

I am convinced that latex gloves will be outlawed in the future -- not just from dental offices, but from restaurants as well. The question is how many people will die or end up in the emergency room before that change happens.

More information

I want our community to be aware of the potential risk of latex. Failure to recognize the risk in time can be fatal. If you think that you may have an allergy to latex, contact your family physician or allergist for more information. Being allergic to latex is not a reason to avoid your dental appointments. You need to inform your dental office and ask your dentist if he/she can accommodate your special needs.

If you have any questions, please contact Annette or me at our office.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Dental News

Oral Sedation

Dr. Selmeczy is proud to announce that our office is now offering oral sedation. Do you or someone you know experience fear at the mere thought of going to the Dentist? If so, oral sedation may be the solution for you. By using our safe, effective method of oral sedation you can have years of dental work completed in one or two office visits. Please call our office today, and speak to one of our friendly and caring staff to set up a consultation appointment in our office.

New Extended Hours

Sometimes it's just hard to find the time to see your Dentist. Dr. Selmeczy now offers early morning and late day appointments.

Good News!

New Extended Hours We now have hygiene appointments available for your cleanings five days a week. Call today and reserve your cleaning as early as 7:00 am, or as late as 6:00 pm.

Holiday Season is Here
Family gatherings and social events are a great time to show off your new smile. Make an appointment with Dr. Selmeczy and find out what your cosmetic options are.

Livermore's Biggest Tooth!

Have you seen our new sign? If not, be sure to drive by and see the "Biggest Tooth" in Livermore!

Insurance Alert

Keep in mind that the year is almost up. Don't let your insurance benefits go unused. Remember that insurance companies don't carry over unused benefit amounts to the next year ... so make your appointment today.

Monday, August 17, 2015


From someone who is happy to be one of Dr. Selmeczy's patients:

I became a patient of Dr. Selmeczy after I'd seen how professionally and kindly he dealt with a friend of mine. At that period in my life, I was spending a lot of time at client sites in California, even though I live 300 miles away, near Reno.

Nowadays, I hardly ever go to California on business, but Dr. Selmeczy is still my Dentist. He's worth making a 600-mile round trip from Reno to Livermore. I really appreciate his logical approach to Dentistry, and how he explains everything so clearly. He makes me feel as though we're a team, working on the same problem together. Dr. Selmeczy's concern for the well-being of his patients is genuine and wonderful to experience.

Based on my recommendation, my wife recently became another of his patients. We were recently there together. As I walked toward the waiting-room, I caught a glimpse of a familiar scene: Dr. Selmeczy and my wife, in happy, animated discussion, looking at her dental x-rays. Dr. Selmeczy was drawing a picture with pencil on paper, explaining something to my wife, who was by now another happy patient.

- Andre Gous

Monday, August 3, 2015


CareCredit is a program that allows patients to get the Dental Treatment and procedures needed when their insurance doesn't cover the total cost. CareCredit provides a variety of financing options and payment plans designed to meet the patients needs. CareCredit allows the patient to make payments on their dental work without interest charges.

You can apply online to get instant approval. After you get approved then make an appointment with us. While at our office we will discuss they payment plan that works best for you and your budget.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Advanced Oral Cancer Screening

We offer an advanced Oral Cancer Screening, recommended yearly for $69.00. This section of our Web site intends to educate patients on oral cancer as well as the screening process.

The material is posted here courtesy of Zila Pharmaceuticals, Inc. who developed the Vizilite Plus process that we use.

The process uses a special chemical mouth rinse that makes the potentially dangerous tissues stand out in special lighting conditions, so that they can more easily be seen during a visual inspection, as explained by a downloadable video.

Monday, July 20, 2015

New Teeth Whitening System

See the difference between the upper and lower teeth?

That is the power of our new Teeth Whitening system!

Yes, these are my teeth. I tested the system on myself.

This system is new and works like nothing else before. Do you have problems with your teeth not responding well to any other whitening system, like tetracycline staining? Are you frustrated with poor results from teeth whitening?

Have you been told you are not a candidate for Teeth Whitening?

If you've answered "Yes" to any of the above questions this new whitening system may be your answer. This is the most powerful bleaching system Dentistry has to offer:

  • Sensitivity is not an issue
  • Maintaining the color change takes the least amount of effort
  • If you know anyone who is frustrated with their bleaching, please send them our way!Do you know who this person is in this picture? 
Most likely you have heard him, but have never met him, he is Jim Hampton with KKIQ Radio.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Intravenous (IV) Conscious Sedation

Our office is now offering IV conscious sedation.

If you feel that Oral Sedation is not sufficient, IV conscious sedation allows a relaxed state that is controlled through the use of medications introduced through an intravenous catheter.

It will put you in a state of mind where you'll feel removed from what is really going on. You will have almost no memory of the procedure.

We are dedicated to providing you Superior Dental Care with the highest level of comfort. We would love to have the chance to make your dental experience free of anxiety and fear.

Please contact us with any questions you may have regarding this new addition to our services.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Sedation Dentistry

If you're afraid to go to the Dentist, you're at the right place. We can take care of your dental needs with no discomfort at all. With Sedation Dentistry, you'll feel like you slept through your appointments. You'll be sedated just enough to be unaware of the treatment, as if you were asleep. You'll wake up refreshed, with little or no memory of what was accomplished. Because you are completely comfortable, we can do years' worth of dental treatments in one or two visits. People with very busy schedules can get the dental care they need, easily and quickly.

How Does Oral Sedation Work?

You are given a small pill to take an hour prior to your dental appointment. Your companion will accompany you to the office. By the time you arrive, you will be very drowsy. When you arrive in our office, you will be escorted to the comfort room and covered with a thick, warm blanket. You will be placed on a monitor so that we can watch your vital signs. You may be asked to take an additional pill, depending upon how sleepy you are. After you are comfortable, we will take care of your dental needs. When your treatment is completed, your companion will return you home to finish your comfortable, relaxing day.

It is safe! You take a small pill prior to your treatment - there are no intravenous tubes or needles. Complex Dental Treatments that usually require up to eight appointments can be completed in a little as one or two appointments. People who have difficulty getting numb find that Sedation Dentistry eliminates this problem. Sedation dentistry is a safe way to reduce the fatigue of extended dental treatment requiring long visits.

Good candidates for oral sedation are people who:

* have a high fear level
* have had traumatic dental experiences
* have difficulty getting numb
* experience a severe gag reflex
* have very sensitive teeth
* have complex dental problems
* have limited time to Complete Dental Care
* hate needles and shots
* hate the noises, smells, and tastes associated with dentistry
* are afraid or embarrassed about their teeth

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Will I feel pain?

No, you won't.

2. Will I be unconscious?

No. you will be in a deeply relaxed state, and you will be responsive.

3. Will I be monitored?

Yes, one of our team members is always with you and your vital signs are monitored during the entire visit. You are never alone.

4. How long will I be asleep?

Depending upon your needs, from two to six hours.

5. Will someone need to accompany me?

Yes, due to the sedative effects of the medication, you will need someone to drive you to our office and home again.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Cosmetic Dentistry

Did you know that people check your smile even before they look in your eyes? If chipped, stained, or crooked teeth are hiding the real you, then it could be time for a smile makeover. A beautiful smile can brighten life every day. Unlike plastic surgery, Cosmetic Dentistry is not a major operation. You could change your life in as little as one or two appointments!

We offer a free cosmetic consultation to our new patients. There are many ways we can give you a youthful, attractive, natural-looking smile. Just whitening your teeth can give you a whole new look!

Monday, June 22, 2015

General Dentistry

Our caring staff believes in providing a comfortable atmosphere during your visit to our office. We provide gentle, family-oriented Dental Care to adults and children.

Our services cover all aspects of Dentistry and utilize state-of-the-art equipment and sterilization techniques. We can take care of all of your family members' dental needs.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Do you know if your dentist uses latex gloves? Are you in danger?

My interest in the dangers of latex allergies

My name is Dr. Endre Selmeczy. I am a local Dentist in Livermore. I became very interested in the latex issue when my office manager and significant other, Annette, came close to death in a restaurant few years ago on Mother's Day. After finishing her dinner, she went into anaphylactic shock due to an allergic reaction to the latex gloves the restaurant used in their kitchen during food preparation. Thanks to the quick emergency response team in Monterey, she is still alive, but her latex allergy changed her life.

The increase in latex allergies

The incidence of serious allergic reactions to latex has increased dramatically in recent years. In rare cases, these allergies can be fatal. It is somewhat difficult to say how widespread the problem of latex allergy may be. It is assumed that many cases go unreported. In one 1994 study, 6 percent of volunteer blood donors were found to have increased levels of anti-latex IgE antibodies. The incidence of latex allergy has been increasing since the introduction of universal precautions in health care settings, including the widespread use of latex gloves to prevent the spread of AIDS and hepatitis B.

Latex allergy can cause serious physical symptoms

Latex Allergy or hypersensitivity occurs when the body's immune system reacts to proteins found in natural rubber latex. The immune system launches a defense that can cause a host of unpleasant or, in some cases, life-threatening symptoms

Type I latex allergies are the most serious and can cause nausea, low blood pressure, respiratory arrest, and even death. Symptoms begin within minutes after contact with the protein allergens in latex.

Type IV, the most common latex allergy, is less serious. The symptoms include dry skin, hives, tingling sensations, or itching. Symptoms usually appear 48-72 hours after the initial exposure. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), at least sixteen people have died as a result of latex allergy.

Allergy to latex proteins is a new medical problem with symptoms similar to those seen in individuals who are allergic to bee venom. Reactions on exposure to the allergen are generally acute and may mimic hay fever or asthma, with symptoms such as nasal congestion, hives or difficulty breathing. The most severe cases can result in anaphylaxis, a potentially fatal reaction that affects many parts of the body at once. Symptoms are usually immediate, progress rapidly, and may include a dangerous drop in blood pressure, flushed skin, difficulty breathing, swelling of the throat, tongue and nose, and loss of consciousness. That is what happened to Annette in Monterey.

Signs and risk factors of latex allergy

Natural rubber latex is a processed plant product derived almost exclusively from the Hevea braziliensis tree found in Africa and Southeast Asia. Some indicators of an increased risk of latex allergy include a history of allergic problems or food allergies to tropical fruits, hazelnuts, chestnuts, or stone fruits.

If you ever experienced some discomfort after eating in a certain restaurant, with reactions such as " I just don't feel good; I must have eaten too much," or "maybe there was something wrong with the food," you should call the restaurant to find out if they used latex gloves in the kitchen. The same applies to your dental office. If you ever experienced any symptoms you thought were signs of an allergic reaction, perhaps it was due to the use of latex in your dental office.
Awareness and prevention

Individuals who have an increased exposure to the effects of latex allergy include those with a history of early and/or recurrent surgical or medical procedures, health care personnel and others who wear latex gloves, and individuals with occupational exposure to latex.

You should also be very careful eating out at restaurants. When you make your reservation, ask the restaurant if they use latex gloves in their kitchen. In Annette's case, just having her food touched with latex gloves during preparation was enough to send her into an anaphylactic shock. The same reaction could happen in a dental office. During the visit at a dental office, latex gloves come into contact with mucous membranes, which enhances the absorption of latex proteins that can trigger an allergic reaction. Using latex gloves just for a regular exam could be potentially very dangerous, especially if the patient's latex allergy is not known. There are several other materials used in dental offices containing latex, such as prophylactic cups used during teeth cleaning, tubing, nose pieces, rubber dams, and bite blocks. If you know you are allergic to latex, or you are at risk for latex allergy, you should consider finding a latex-free dental office.

The future of latex use

I am convinced that latex gloves will be outlawed in the future -- not just from dental offices, but from restaurants as well. The question is how many people will die or end up in the emergency room before that change happens.

More information

I want our community to be aware of the potential risk of latex. Failure to recognize the risk in time can be fatal. If you think that you may have an allergy to latex, contact your family physician or allergist for more information. Being allergic to latex is not a reason to avoid your dental appointments. You need to inform your Dental Office and ask your dentist if he/she can accommodate your special needs.

If you have any questions, please contact Annette or me at our office.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Oral Sedation

Dr. Selmeczy is proud to announce that our office is now offering Oral Sedation. Do you or someone you know experience fear at the mere thought of going to the dentist? If so, oral sedation may be the solution for you. By using our safe, effective method of oral sedation you can have years of dental work completed in one or two office visits. Please call our office today, and speak to one of our friendly and caring staff to set up a consultation appointment in our office.

New Extended Hours

Sometimes it's just hard to find the time to see your Dentist. Dr. Selmeczy now offers early morning and late day appointments.

Good News!

New Extended Hours We now have hygiene appointments available for your cleanings five days a week. Call today and reserve your cleaning as early as 7:00 am, or as late as 6:00 pm.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

About Dr. Selmeczy

Dr. Endre Selmeczy offers a full service range of professional Dental Services for the entire family, including cosmetic and Sedation Dentistry.

His office is conveniently located in a building designed as a residence. The homey and comfortable atmosphere reflects Dr. Selmeczy's personal and friendly style.

While the ambiance is casual and relaxing, patients still benefit from Dr.Selmeczy's modern, high-tech equipment.

The computerized equipment that Dr. Selmeczy uses enhances his high skill level, while visually demonstrating before-and-after results for the patient.

Dr. Selmeczy has practiced at his present location since January 1995. In that time, he has built an enviable reputation in the Livermore community as a caring practitioner who has built strong bonds with his patients and their families.

Dr. Selmeczy is rapidly becoming known as Livermore's Cosmetic Dentist for people who want to look younger and feel better about their teeth. Once you've experienced sedation dentistry with Dr. Selmeczy, you'll never be afraid to go to the dentist again.